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Friday May 13, 2011

Digestive complaints play havoc with daily life for many people, so we're sure you'd love to hear some general basic advice for better digestion. Listen to what Morna Murphy and Rita Carmichael, nutritional therapists, have to say about simple changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle to fine-tune your digestion.
Try these easy steps first before contacting a nutritional therapist for your indivdual good gut plan.  Every person has different requirements and there's a limit to what we can cover in 10 minutes!
Contact details:
Nutritional therapy is complementary to medical advice. If your digestive symptoms persist, or you notice a change in bowel habits, see a doctor immediately.

Beat the winter blues part 2

Friday Feb 18, 2011

Friday Feb 18, 2011

In this short (13 minutes) clip we continue our healthy eating advice for improving mood. We give you some ideas for good mood meals, including vegetarian options and discuss a part of the body that you may not have realised has a big influence on mood. 
For the quick fish recipe mentioned in the podcast go to :
for the seedy butter:
for the fruity crumble use this basic recipe with seasonal fruits such as apple and rhubarb with grated ginger or apple and pear with cinnamon:
You can find out more about nutritional therapy and how it can help you at: and    
Remember, if you have a serious mood disorder, do consult a doctor; and avoid any foods to which you are intolerant.
We'll be back in the spring with tips on how to keep your gut in good working order. Stay happy and healthy!
Rita and Morna

Beat those winter blues

Monday Jan 24, 2011

Monday Jan 24, 2011

If you feel down in the winter months and want some tips on how to regain your energy and joy for living, hear what Morna Murphy and Rita Carmichael, nutritional therapists, suggest about simple lifestyle changes you can introduce to make a big difference to how you feel.
Contact details:
Nutritional therapy is complementary to medical advice. If you are severely depressed, consult a doctor.

Copyright 2014 Rita Carmichael. All rights reserved.

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